Religious Guidance

Embracing Islam is a straightforward process, primarily involving one’s unwavering belief in Islamic principles followed by reciting the Declaration of Faith (Shahadah).

Yet, some individuals may seek additional guidance and assistance before embracing Islam fully.

The Masjid provides comprehensive support and guidance services. Typically facilitated by an English speaking Imam, these services involve personalised discussions to understand individual needs and offer assistance accordingly.

Those interested in embracing Islam or simply learning more are welcome to visit the Masid and inquire about these services.


Imams hold the responsibility of leading congregational prayers, officiating marriage ceremonies, delivering weekly sermons, and guiding the community in enhancing their religious devotion. They also provide spiritual guidance to couples and families facing challenges, aiming to assist individuals in their journey toward self-improvement.


Adhan, meaning the call to prayer, symbolizes an invitation to engage in prayer and is considered a fundamental aspect of faith by Muslims. The Prophet PBUH highlighted numerous virtues of the Muadhin (Caller to prayer). With live transmissions reaching numerous homes within the community, the call to prayer is broadcasted approximately 15 minutes before Salah to prompt congregation members to gather at the Masjid.