Secure Online Donations
Safely and securely donate online through Stripe, our payment provider. Stripe is a PCI Service Provider Level 1 which is the highest grade of payment processing security, Evington Muslim Education Trust do not store your card details, the data is encrypted and sent directly to Stripe.

Donation via Bank Transfer
Please send your donation to the following account details
- Account Name: Evington Muslim Education Trust
- Sort Code: 30-98-97 (Lloyds)
- Account Number: 74790763
- Please use donation type as reference
Please reference your payment with donation type, otherwise your donation will be treated as Lillah
Once you have sent your payment please click here to fill out this form, so we can send you a receipt
Home Collections
For home collections, text one of the following numbers. Our volunteers will text you back to make arrangements respecting the current social distancing guidelines.
Arif Bhai Master 07966 142291 OR Imtiaz Bhai Dassu 07801 256259
You can also call the Masjid number 0116 273 5529 between Asr and Magrib, Monday to Sunday to arrange a home collection.
Evington Muslim Education Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales under charity commission registration no: 1196610
Your Support is Vital
Masjid Umar operates entirely on charitable donations from the local community, supporters across the United Kingdom and overseas.
Alhumdulillah we are blessed with a generous community who will regularly donate for special projects and the ongoing operation of the Masjid.
You can donate your Lillah, Sadqah and Zakat safely and securely online with the option to increase your donation by a further 25% through Gift Aid.
Evington Muslim Education Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales under charity commission registration no: 1196610
JazakALLAH Khairun to all our donors!
Masjid Umar Management team.